For more complicated updates, you can use a SQL UPDATE statement in a cfquery tag instead of a cfupdate tag. The SQL UPDATE statement is more flexible for complicated updates.
The following procedure assumes that you have created the update_action.cfm page as described in Creating an update action page with cfupdate.
- In update_action.cfm, replace the cfupdate tag with the following highlighted cfquery code:
<title>Update Employee</title>
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset form.contract = "No">
<cfset form.contract = "Yes">
<!--- cfquery requires date formatting when retrieving from
Access. Use the left function when setting StartDate to trim
the ".0" from the date when it first appears from the
Access database --->
<cfquery name="UpdateEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
UPDATE Employee
SET FirstName = '#Form.Firstname#',
LastName = '#Form.LastName#',
Dept_ID = #Form.Dept_ID#,
StartDate = '#left(Form.StartDate,19)#',
Salary = #Form.Salary#
WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
<h1>Employee Updated</h1>
You have updated the information for
#Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#
in the employee database.
- Save the page.
- View update_form.cfm in your web browser by specifying the page URL and an Employee ID; for example, enter the following: http://localhost/myapps/update_form.cfm?Emp_ID=3
- Enter new values in any of the fields, and click Update Information.
ColdFusion updates the record in the Employee table with your new values and displays a confirmation message.
When the cfquery tag retrieves date information from a Microsoft Access database, it displays the date and time with tenths of seconds, as follows: